25 Oct 2024

Whangarei hospital rebuild at risk due to insufficient funds

From Checkpoint, 5:08 pm on 25 October 2024

An Northland emergency doctor said the health system's in a death spiral with woeful understaffing, budget constraints and leaky buildings - with no money to fix them. The Whangarei hospital rebuild is officially in red; meaning government officials have labelled it a project at significant risk due to insufficient funds. It comes on the heels of the Dunedin Hospital rebuild facing significant budget cuts. The Labour government rubber stamped the 750 million dollar stage one revamp of Whangarei Hospital in 2022. The hospital that was built in the 50s had a history of problems including raw sewage leaking inside of walls and lifts breaking down. Whangarei Hospital emergency doctor Gary Payinda spoke to Lisa Owen.