22 Nov 2024

Maritime union votes to oppose resumption of live animal exports

From Checkpoint, 5:08 pm on 22 November 2024

Opposition to the Government's plan to resurrect live animal exports continues to grow, this time it's on the wharf. The Maritime Union, which represents water siders and stevedores, who have in the past loaded freighters including the ill fated Gulf Live stock, has officially voted to oppose the resumption of live animal exports. The government's delaying the release of a public disucssion document on the issue until next year but remains committed to reinstating the trade that was worth 374-million dollars in 2022. This time round it's promising the highest standards of animal welfare and gold standard transport ships - but has not provided specifics. The practice was banned in 2023 over welfare concerns and following the sinking of the Gulf Live stock one killing almost 6000 cattle and 41 people; including two New Zealanders. Maritime Union spokesperson, Victor Billot spoke to Lisa Owen.