11 Feb 2014

Te Manu Korihi News for 11 February 2014

From Checkpoint, 5:50 pm on 11 February 2014

A principal at a Maori school is sceptical that the government's proposal for a new Maori language strategy will deliver benefits; Meanwhile, a Maori language advocate says more people will speak Te Reo if they're involved in Maori performing arts; Te Wai Maori Trust wants more importance placed on upholding the mana of water in nation-wide rules for managing lakes and rivers; The Federation of Maori Authorities says its new partnership with the Riddet Institute will help them understand about the future of food, with an emphasis on delivering nutritious products; A ceremony to mark 150 years since one of the Waikato War battles, killing nearly 50 people both Maori and Pakeha, has been held near the township of Pirongia in the Waipa District.