This year’s Easter Service comes from the Cathedral Church of St Paul the Apostle in Dunedin.
St Paul's Cathedral in The Octagon. Photo: RNZ/Justin Gregory
The celebrant for this Service is the Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Dunedin, The Right Reverend Dr Kelvin Wright. The preacher is the Dean of the Cathedral, the Very Reverend Dr Trevor James. Mr George Chittenden is the director of music. He leads the Cathedral Choir and also plays the pipe organ.
The service begins with an Introit called He Is Risen, written by Choir member Mr Richard Madden.
All Music performed by the Cathedral Choir and congregation, led by Mr George Chittenden, the Cathedral’s Music Director.
He Is Risen.
(Richard Madden)
Processional Hymn
Jesus Christ is Risen Today.
(Compleat Psalmodist 1749)
The Very Reverend Dr Trevor James, the Dean of St Paul's Cathedral in The Octagon. Photo: St Paul's Cathedral in The Octagon.
The Offertory Hymn
The Day of Resurrection!
(John of Damascus 675-749, John Mason Neale 1818-1866)
(George Frederic Handel 1685-1759)
Post-Communion Hymn
Thine Be the Glory
Edmund Budry (1864-1932)
Organ Voluntary
George Chittenden, Director of Music, St Paul's Cathedral in The Octagon. Photo: St Paul's Cathedral in The Octagon.
Toccata Festival
(Fredrik Sixten 1962 - )
Acts 10: 34-39
Read by Cherie Stayner
John 20: 1-18.
Read by Christine James