9:32 PM.The tiny northern Hawkes Bay settlement of Nuhaka has chess champions, a large Latter-day Saints congregation and a large apple & kiwifruit orchard that looks like it will need more than 100 seasonal… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:20 PM.Santanu Deb-Choudhury and his team at AgResearch have found that proteins from sheep wool fibre can help improve the digestive health of cats. The proteins, extracted from cross-bred wool are then… Read moreAudio
9:15 PM.AgMatch is a web-based initiative that gives farmers, who pay an annual membership fee, access to lower priced farming supplies and hopefully increased returns by using their combined numbers as a… Read moreAudio
9:07 PM.North Island grape growers have had ideal weather for their harvest so far and, in the South Island, Canterbury has had its first frost of the season. Read our guide to what's happening on NZ farms… Read moreAudio
9:03 PM.The Regional Wrap and AgMatch's wind-proof jersey. Santanu Deb-Choudhury and his team at AgResearch have found that proteins from sheep wool fibre can help improve the digestive health of cats and… Read moreAudio