9:30 PM.John Wilton starts each day with an apple. And he knows which ones to choose. John's been a horticultural consultant for 57 years and was MAF's national pipfruit and summer fruit specialist for 15… Read moreAudio
9:28 PM.In the mid-1980s Philip McLennan planted the first and only blueberry farm on the West Coast at Ikamatua. He was always trying something new so planted tayberries as well. The tayberry originated in… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:07 PM.It's wild salmon fishing season, and our guest this week, Chief Executive of North Canterbury Fish & Game, Rasmus Gabrielsson, talks about efforts to keep the fishery sustainable. Read moreAudio
9:09 PM.There was flooding to all the main alpine fed rivers in Canterbury last weekend while in many parts of the North Island paddocks and orchards are drying out. Some welcome rain elsewhere in the North… Read moreAudio