9:28 PM.For Banks Peninsula farmers, growers and producers, the annual A&P Show at Little River is the highlight of the year. Country Life meets the people behind it. Read moreAudio, Gallery
8:23 PM.Ross Nolly is a former butcher now writer and photographer who, amongst other things, farms maggots. Ross is trying to live self sufficiently near Stratford in Taranaki. The maggots feed on the parts… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:13 PM.North Waikato sheep and beef farmer Steve Stark says farmers with money in the bank are fortunate to have options for dealing with the summer's big dry. Read moreAudio
9:07 PM.Around Pukekohe, the widespread drought continues to make life difficult for the outdoor vegetable industry. A dairy farmer near Balclutha in South Otago is in flood recovery mode. His farm is… Read moreAudio