7:03 PM.Country Life this week speaks to a couple who have developed avocado varieties they say NEVER produce a dud, takes a tour of a grand historic home in Rangitikei and talks to an Otago couple making the… Read moreAudio
9:14 PM.The homestead at Merchiston Station in Rangitikei has fireplaces galore and an exquisite staircase carved by Ngāti Hauiti craftsmen. Little has changed since it was built in the early 1900s. But what… Read moreAudio, Gallery
9:44 PM.Imagine a perfect avocado every time...Gisborne's David and Judi Grey have developed new varieties they say produce just that. Read moreAudio, Gallery
10:29 AM.A West Otago couple were so sick of seeing so much synthetic clothing around they decided to do something about it. Waitahuna West sheep and beef farmers Murray and Julie Hellewell are making jerseys… Read moreAudio