He Rongo Moriori
Ajay Peni
Played at 12.10pm and 12.29pm
Down With This
Chey Milne
Played at 12.25pm
Man of the sea
Black Robin
Played at 12.40pm
Durga-Drut Teen Taal (feat. Charudatta Phadke)
Milind Date
Played at 12.55pm
Georgie Pie
Thee Golden geese
Played at 1.22pm
Time and space (plus bass)
Dub Asylum
Played at 1.58pm
There was nowhere to go
Greta Anderson and Hermione Johnson
Played at 2.07pm
Toy Love
Played at 2.20pm
By Myself
Gram Antler
Played at 2.35pm