Navigation for Extreme Diving in New Zealand
Kathryn Nevatt
World champion freediver Kathryn Nevatt
Kathryn Nevatt (NZ record holder STA world champ) Deans Blue hole, Bahamas, photo courtesy Chris Marshall.
NZ Women's free-dive champion Kathryn Nevatt, photo courtsey Chris Marshall.
Kathryn Nevatt (NZ record holder) Porirua Pool, photo courtesy Chris Marshall.
Kathryn Nevatt (NZ record holder) Porirua Pool, photo courtesy Chris Marshall.
Kathryn Nevatt static breath-hold, (5min 42 sec) Ohakea Airbase.
Kathryn Nevatt preparing for her dive, judges to the side.
Kathryn Nevatt preparing for her dive, Ohakea Airbase.
Kathryn Nevatt demonstates perfect form, Ohakea Airbase
Kathryn Nevatt, Ohakea Airbase.
Kathryn Nevatt, Ohakea Airbase.
Kathryn Nevatt, Ohakea Airbase.
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