Easter Monday for Monday 2 April 2018
Charlotte Graham-McLay discusses current events, science, food, books and music with guests from New Zealand and around the world.
08:10 Has our personal data been weaponized against democracy?
Justin Hendrix is the executive director of NYC Media Lab, and David Carroll is Associate Professor of Media Design at Parsons School of Design. They say citizens must put pressure on technology platforms to behave in the interests of "the democracies that enabled their unrivaled success."
Justin Hendrix Photo: Danya Jimenez Photography & Cinematography http://danyajimenezphoto.com
David Carroll Photo: ErinSilberPhotography
08:35 Why scientist Shaun Hendy has grounded himself
Scientist Shaun Hendy decided he needed to put his money where his mouth was on climate change, so he's not flying anywhere - even for work - for a whole year. A few months in, he takes stock of the experience.
Shaun Hendy Photo: supplied
09:05 Professor Richard Layard - Creating happiness
The London School of Economics professor, and founder of the Action for Happiness movement has spent decades studying what makes people prosper in life. He argues that emotional health and life satisfaction hasn't been given the credit it deserves. Lord Layard explains why, after a major international study, he's calling on governments to make "happiness" a key driver for public policy.
09:35 Sharlene Teo on the monstrous woman
Singaporean writer Sharlene Teo’s debut novel Ponti won the inaugural Deborah Rogers Foundation Writer’s Award and was praised by Ian McEwan for its “brilliant descriptive power”, and for characters which “glow with life and humour and minutely observed desperation”. She is speaking at Auckland Writers Festival in May.
Sharlene Teo Photo: Supplied
10:05 Baking birthday cakes for kids who go without
Emily Cornwall and her team of helpers at Cakes for Kids South Auckland have made 200 birthday cakes for five-year-olds from low-income families in South Auckland who otherwise might not get one. Cakes for Kids takes donations at GiveaLittle.
10:20 Singer-songwriter Nadia Reid in session
Folk singer-songwriter Nadia Reid is in the RNZ studio with her band. She toured the UK and Europe last year off the back of her second album, Preservation, and was a finalist for the 2017 Silver Scrolls with her song Richard.
Nadia Reid is performing at City Gallery Wellington on Thursday 5 April.
Chris O'Connor (drums), Nadia Reid (vocals and acoustic guitar), Ritchie Pikard (bass), Sam Taylor (electric guitar) Photo: Supplied
10:45 The Long Way Home
High up in Waiau Pass, Bruce pauses for a selfie. Photo: Bruce Hopkins
Actor Bruce Hopkins is walking his father and brother’s ashes home to Rakiura/Stewart Island along Te Araroa – New Zealand’s Trail. Having knocked off the North Island leg of the trail, Bruce is in Queen Charlotte Sound, ready to take on the South.
11:05 Museum of Broken Relationships curator Olinka Vištica
When Croatian couple Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubišić broke up 15 years ago, they wondered what to do with the objects they'd accumulated during their long relationship. That wondering turned into a real-life museum, as well as an exhibition that travels the world, displaying the artefacts and stories left behind after a couple break up.
11:25 Uber Funny - Tarun Mohanbhai
Tarun Mohanbhai is a comedian, writer, and screen and theatre performer who's been performing stand-up since 1996. His work often takes on topics from his real life - including arranged marriage and working in his dad's dairy - and his latest show tells the story of how he became an Uber driver. Uber Funny is at the New Zealand International Comedy Festival in May.
Tarun Mohanbhai Photo: supplied
11:40 Should ethics be part of the school curriculum?
Deborah Stevens from the Centre for Science and Citizenship, which teaches ethics workshops, and former president of the Secondary Principal's Association, Patrick Walsh, discuss how to encourage kids to think critically about ethics - and whether New Zealand's school curriculum makes enough room for it.
Lynne Bowyer and Deborah Stevens Photo: supplied
Patrick Walsh Photo: supplied