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Changi Prison Survivor
Roland de Bruyne is a 91-year-old Malaysian New Zealander. He’s also a survivor of the infamous Changi Prison during the Japanese occupation of Singapore during WW2. Roland was interned along with his whole family, simply for being Eurasian. Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets Roland at home with daughter Jean de Bruyne to hear his incredible story of survival.
Allied prisoners of war after the liberation of Changi Prison, Singapore, c.1945 - Wikipedia
Allied prisoners of war after the liberation of Changi Prison, Singapore, c.1945 - Wikipedia
At Changi, prisoners enjoyed relative autonomy, whereas at Outram Road prisoners were frequently subjected to beatings - Wikipedia
Burma railway workers laying the railway, one died for each wooden sleeper - Wikipedia
Changi Prison camp, Singapore, 1945. All these men are wearing artificial limbs made in the camp by warrant officer Arthur Purden of East Maitland, Wikipedia
Changi Prison - a tiny church scales to weigh 100 grams of rice per day
Changi Prison, POW in loin cloth - Wikipedia
Changi Prison - Wikipedia
Changi Prison - Wikipedia
Changi Prison - Wikipedia
Fragile connections: Roland's letters to his sweetheart Low Swan Tin
Help is on the way: pamphlets distributed after allies liberated Singapore in 1945
Lest we forget: commemorating lives lost in Changi
Life-saving help from fellow prisoners
Low Swan Tin - Roland took this photo on his return from Changi
One hovel for sick people - Changi Prison
One tiny photo, evidence of starvation during Roland's internment in Changi
Penang, 1920s - Roland as a child (left) and his siblings. His little brother Jimmy died during the war.
Photos of Low Swan Tin - Rolands late wife and Jean's mother
Roland de Bruyne and daughter Jean de Bruyne
Roland's Eurasian parents' wedding and grandparents (back)
Roland's parents and family - all imprisoned in Changi, all survived except one
Roland's shipmates before the war
Shrapnel from a bomber - Roland's memento
Swan Tin - Roland's childhood sweetheart and wife
Swan Tin - Roland's guardian angel and sweetheart
The fall of fortress, Singapore - Wikipedia
The residence of General Saito, commander of Changi Prison
The tunnels where they dug for the railway
The release of allied prisoners of war from Changi Prison, 1945 - Wikipedia
Tiny blurred photo of the shrine where General Saito took his life after the allies liberated Singapore
Two starved men sit outside university’s gym-hospital. They are Lee Rogers (left), a retired employee of cavite navy yard and John C. Todd a miner. - Wikipedia
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