Fear can sometimes be a matter of life and death, and in this series Sonia Sly looks at the many manifestations of our fears.
The face of a man experiencing fear. Engraving by M. Engelbrecht (?), 1732, after C. Le Brun. CC BY 4.0 Wellcome Library, London .
“The fear doesn’t come from our biological heritage, it comes entirely 100% from our cultural conditioning and the cultural environment in which we live ... that teaches us how to interpret reality and how we know which things are scary or not.”
- Jeff Sluka
Sonia Sly is joined by Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at Massey University Jeff Sluka, Professor Manying Ip - a senior lecturer in Asian Studies, a figurehead of Auckland's Chinese community Bevan Chuang, leader of the "white pride" Right Wing Resistance Kyle Chapman and professor of neuroscience and psychology Joseph Le Doux, to explore ideas around social conditioning, cultural belonging and the impact of racism.