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First Up for Tuesday 30 July 2019
'Bullying, harassment and illegal practices' used to describe Oranga Tamariki
5:42 AM.Despite facing 18 inquiries over the last 30 years, hundreds of families say investigations into the department of Oranga Tamariki, formerly known as CYFS, do not go far enough. Read more Audio
Biz Byte - what's the benefit of trade deals?
5:35 AM.What's the benefit of trade deals? Here with the answer is business reporter, Madison Reidy. Audio
"We've had enough" Hikoi coordinators prepare to march before parliament
5:24 AM.A nationwide hikoi - or march - calling for change at Oranga Tamariki will take place today - as the group 'Hands off our Tamariki' delivers an open letter to parliament. They're rallying against what… Read more Audio
Bernie Monk on next step for entry to Pike River mine
5:19 AM.It's been a long wait for the families of the 29 men killed when Pike River Mine exploded in 2010. But work is now underway to prepare for the next step in the process -- that is recovery workers… Read more Audio