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First Up for Tuesday 26 May 2020
Cinemas continue to struggle due to lack of releases
5:53 AM.Meanwhile, movie theatres say the rule change will make no difference to them - and they'll continue to struggle due a lack of new releases. Under level two restrictions there can still only be 100… Read more Audio
Religious groups welcome 100 person gatherings
5:50 AM.Well the fact 100 people can gather together this weeknd is welcome news for religious leaders - many of whom were desperate to move away from virtual services. It means Reverend Frank Ritchie's… Read more Audio
Mediaworks stuggling financially, 130 staff could lose jobs
5:37 AM.130 people will likely lose their jobs at Mediaworks this week - as the company that owns TV station Three and multiple radio stations struggles finacially because of covid. Staff were called to a… Read more Audio
Auckland iwi seeks extension for submissions on Dome Valley tip
5:33 AM.Auckland iwi Ngati Whatua are urging Auckland Council to extend the deadline for submissions on a controversial Dome Valley Landfill proposal. The Auckland Council notified a resource consent… Read more Audio
The Wonderful World of TradeMe with Millie Silvester
5:23 AM.An antique cash register, a teddy bear tribute to the Prime Minister and a lounge chair once owned by Taika Waititi - these are three of the thousands of items listed on auction site TradeMe this… Read more Audio
NZ needs to keep sight of ecological goals
5:17 AM.An environmental expert says while the short term focus of the Budget makes economic sense, it's important not to lose sight of our ecological goals. 11-thousand 'nature-based jobs' are promised in… Read more Audio
Paltry rainfall leaves drought stricken farmers demoralised
5:12 AM.Farmers in parched regions of the country say the recent rainfall is a small reprieve -- but it's no drought-breaker. The hardest hit areas of Northland, Auckland, Hawkes Bay and North Canterbury got… Read more Audio
UK PM's chief advisor Dominic Cummings not sorry for behaviour
5:07 AM.Let's begin in the UK where the Prime Minister Boris Johnson's chief advisor Dominic Cummings is at the centre of a storm regarding his flouting of the lockdown rules- yesterday Boris Johnson backed… Read more Audio