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First Up for Tuesday 28 March 2023
Willis: concentrating on teaching basics, bring results by 2030
5:50 AM.Nathan Rarere put some of those concerns to the deputy leader of the National Party, Nicola Willis. Audio
Concerns over National eduction policy focus on basics
5:45 AM.The National Party's plan to overhaul the way primary and intermediate-aged students are taught has brought our country's declining numeracy and literacy testing numbers into focus. The plan, called… Read more Audio
West AK flood victims launch petition for managed retreat
5:34 AM.Hundreds of West Auckland residents have launched a petition calling for a government-funded managed retreat programme. The petition - that was launched at a public meeting on the weekend - already… Read more Audio
LDR Northland: Hundertwasser Art Gallery gets bailout
5:24 AM.Cyclone Gabrielle was almost the final nail in the coffin for Whangarei's $33 million Hundertwasser Art Centre - which has barely been open a year - but a ratepayer bailout has saved the facility… Read more Audio
UK: Prince Harry in High Court suing Daily Mail publisher
5:05 AM.In the UK Prince Harry has joined Sir Elton John and others in court in a case against the publisher of the Daily Mail newspaper. Ellie Jay is our correspondent and she joins us from London. Audio