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First Up for Tuesday 6 August 2024
Finn Butcher on his first Gold medal in kayak cross
5:49 AM.It's been a golden day for Olympic debutant Finn Butcher who has won the Gold Medal in the Kayak Cross event - he spoke with Nathan Rarere. Audio
Finn Butcher's Nana Val watching Gold medal win in Ophir
5:45 AM.Finn Butcher secured gold in his Kayak Cross event, his proud Nana Val talked with Nathan Rarere just after he won New Zealand's third gold medal of the Paris Olympics Audio
Speed climber Sarah Tetzlaff on setting PB at Olympics
5:32 AM.Nathan Rarere spent the afternoon at the Speed Climbing event at the Paris games, and caught up with Sarah Tetzlaff who set her personal best and a new Oceania record. Audio
Story behind Tahutahi pounamu necklaces for NZ Olympians
5:23 AM.New Zealand might seem a world away for our Olympic athletes right now but thanks to Ngai Tahu a little piece of home will always be with them. Nathan spoke with Chantal Tumahai from Ngai Tahu… Read more Audio
Argentina scores first Olympic Gold at BMX freestyle
5:15 AM.Argentina has a gold medal and thousands of protesters have been arrested in Venezuela - Kate Pererya Garcia has the news out of Latin America Audio
Study: 80% Olympic athletes have exercised induced asthma
5:10 AM.French swimming sensation Léon Marchand has brought the country together after months of political upheaval, correspondent Anita Purcell-Sjölund joined First Up from Europe Audio