Last week the results of a general knowledge quiz saw large gaps in New Zealanders understanding of basic maths, geography and history. The survey by the New Zealand Initiative quizzed 1000 voting-age New Zealanders.
This week, First Up is running our own quiz to see how "onto it" our audience is at 5 o'clock in the morning.
Photo: Supplied
We're giving you five questions a day through the week and we'd like answers by text 2010 or by email to
The questions have been prepared by our quiz master, former journalist and semi-retired high school teacher Alan Wheatley.
Monday's questions
1. What is a polytheistic religion?
2. What are the years generally accepted as covering those known as baby boomers?
3. What year did the British return Hong Kong to Chinese control?
4. What is five multiplied by three-quarters?
5. What country is both a city AND a country?
And no googling the answers!
Text your answers to 2101 or email to .