Puppies "broken and terrified" at puppy mill in Dargaville
Police are investigating an incident in Northland where a property was entered by animal rescue workers following ongoing concerns over the welfare of more than 90 dogs. The group filmed themselves breaking into a farm in Dargaville over the weekend where they say a puppy mill has been operating with animals living in poor conditions for some time. They took their concerns to the SPCA, including allegations puppies were being sold on TradeMe under multiple user names. Six dogs have since been uplifted but the group is now at loggerheads with the SPCA. The SPCA says the remaining dogs are in good health but the group maintains some dogs at the property were 'broken and terrified'. In a moment, we'll hear from Carolyn Press-McKenzie from animal welfare charity HUHA which has launched a petition to stop puppies being sold online and in pet shops, but first Louise Ternouth has this report.