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Sunday, 28 November 2010
Ideas talks to Colin Tukuitonga about his life, and the challenges and opportunities facing Pacific Islanders both in New Zealand and the islands.
Full episodeSunday, 21 November 2010
The Bank of Real Solutions is a web-based initiative that aims to share the stories of grassroots projects around New Zealand that are helping their communities become more resilient, vibrant, healthier, happier, and better connected.
Full episodeSunday, 7 November 2010
Exploring the nature of modernism and its impact on New Zealand
Full episodeSunday, 17 October 2010
Matt McCarten on the people, writers and thinkers who have influenced his ideas.
Full episodeSunday, 10 October 2010
Is compulsory student unionism simply a hangover from the days of compulsory trade unionism, or is it more akin to the paying of rates or taxes.
Full episodeSunday, 5 September 2010
New Zealand's booze culture and what if anything, can be done to discourage binge drinking.
Full episodeSunday, 15 August 2010
Ideas takes a look at vegetarianism, and in particular ethical vegetarianism.
Full episodeSunday, 1 August 2010
The growing trend towards utility cycling - that's cycling which is neither primarily for sport or recreation but simply an every-day mode of transport.
Full episodeSunday, 18 July 2010
Marilyn Waring talks about the individuals, writers and philosophers who have influenced her ideas.
Full episodeSunday, 27 June 2010
What makes a child friendly city and are children really interested in being involved in the decision making?
Full episodeSunday, 13 June 2010
Historian Tony Simpson on the individuals, writers and thinkers who influenced his ideas.
Full episodeSunday, 6 June 2010
Sanctions - Humanitarian Disaster or Legitimate Tool in International Relations?
Full episode