Lately for Thursday 12 November 2020
Photo: RNZ
10:18 Auckland braces after Covid-19 community case tests positive
Already this year Auckland has been under Alert Levels Three and Two twice to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the community. Tonight as Auckland mayor Phil Goff awaits further information about the latest positive Covid-19 community case - who lives and works in Auckland's CBD - he talks with Karyn Hay.
10:28 New Zealand businesses waiting for workers Covid-19 tests
About 100,000 Aucklanders who work in the city's CBD are being advised to work from home tomorrow if they can.
Karyn speaks with the CEO of Business New Zealand, Kirk Hope, about the impact of this waiting game after a year of various lockdown alert levels on Auckland and the country's businesses.
10:35 Workers' rights around Covid-19 testing
The latest Covid-19 community case tried to call in sick after testing for Covid-19 but went to work before she received her positive test results. Karyn speaks with First Union's National Retail Organiser Ben Peterson about what workers should do and say to their bosses when testing for Covid-19.
10:45 The Rest Is History: Life on the International Space Station
This month marks 20 years since the first residents arrive to occupy the International Space Station (ISS), which has been inhabited ever since. Dr Alice Gorman, an Associate Professor from Flinders University who specialises in space archaeology, says the orbiting habitat is the ideal "natural laboratory" to understand how societies function beyond earth. She joins the show to discuss what we have learned from two decades in space.
NASA astronauts Andrew Morgan and Jessica Meir photographing earth from the International Space Station. Photo: NASA