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Photo: RNZ


10:20 Long-awaited Ministry for disabled sector

A long awaited overhaul of disability services has been unveiled today by Minister Carmel Sepuloni. The reforms create a ministry for the disabled, new stand-alone legislation which is intended to make Aotearoa more accessible and a new Accessibility Governance Board. Describing the disability system as broken and riddled with barriers,  Minister Sepuloni says these changes will transform a fragmented sector and link all of the supports and services available to improve overall outcomes for disabled people. Dr Huhana Hickey is disabled and advocates for the health and disability needs of others. She says the changes are a good start from the Government but not everyone was consulted.

Dr Huhana Hickey, an advocate for people with disabilities.

Dr Huhana Hickey, an advocate for people with disabilities. Photo: Sharon Brettkelly


10:30 Peter Fitzsimmons on Gladys Berejiklian probe

Phone taps, talk of marriage and kids, piles of cash, tales of misguided trust and a secret boyfriend. It's all part of the Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption's investigation into former premier of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian. This investigation is looking into allegations of corruption that centre around Berejiklian's relationship with another political figure with whom she's been romantically linked, former MP Daryl Maguire. Gladys Berejiklian stood down from her role at the start of the month after the shock corruption allegations -  insisting she has always acted with integrity. The phone taps ICAC heard today containing all sorts of admissions are being described as extraordinary. Author and hard-core Sydney-sider Peter Fitzsimmons has been following every curious twist and turn.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian says Covid-19 numbers are stabilising.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian says Covid-19 numbers are stabilising. Photo: AFP

10:45 Out Lately with Finn Johansson

Finn Johansson is back with Out Lately and a hand-picked selection of tracks. Tonight we'll hear Lunar Vacation from Mold, Body Surfer from Palace of Fakers, Constant Follower from The Merry Dancers On TV and Iro neido from Falt, Rothenberg & Thorne.   

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Photo: Mold