Lately for Friday 6 May 2022
Photo: RNZ
10:20 Cleaner, Greener School Heating
Today the Government announced a ten million dollar plan to replace coal boilers in the country's scools with cleaner, greener wood burners or electric heating by 2025.
Karyn Talks to Kerry Hawkins is the principal of Invercargill's Waverley Park Primary in the deep south where the winters can be bitter. His school was one of the first in line last year when the government started phasing out the old coal-boilers and putting in the new. They're heading into their first winter with their new system.
Photo: 123RF
10:30 How Many Steps are Good for the Heart?
10 thousand steps a day has become a fitness mantra for many of us. But who came up with that number and does it actually make a positive difference to our health?
A man who knows a fair bit about how many steps are good for the heart is cardiologist Professor Rob Doughty of Auckland City Hospital. He's also the Heart Foundation Chair at Heart Health at the University of Auckland and Auckland City.
Garmin sports watch assisting with self-tracking Photo: U3177230, CC BY-SA 4.0
10:40 Out Lately with Finn Johansson
Photo: supplied - photo Ezra Simons
Noah Slee - GOLDEN feat. Joy Denalane
Slackers - Harvey Sutherland
Kick in the World (déconstructed) - HARU NEMURI
Florry - Cowgirl Giving