2 May 2022

Astronomers hopeful to witness a supernova this year

From Lately, 10:35 pm on 2 May 2022

A supernova is an exploding star. It destroys itself and can be seen in daylight and outshine the combined light of an entire galaxy. Astronomers are hoping to witness a supernova this year - but not too close to Earth as it could come with dire consequences. Associate Professor Jan Eldridge is the Head of Department of Physics at the University of Auckland and whose research is focused upon the lives and deaths of stars.

The material ejected by the supernova will initially expand very rapidly, but then gradually slow down, forming an intricate giant bubble of hot glowing gas. Eventually, the charred remains of the white dwarf that exploded will speed out onto its journey across the Galaxy.

The material ejected by the supernova will initially expand very rapidly, but then gradually slow down, forming an intricate giant bubble of hot glowing gas. Eventually, the charred remains of the white dwarf that exploded will speed out onto its journey across the Galaxy. Photo: University of Warwick/Mark Garlick