28 Sep 2020

Whānau devastated by the death of Matiu Ratana

From Midday Report, 12:17 pm on 28 September 2020

Whānau and friends of Matiu Ratana, who was fatally shot in London on Friday are devastated by his death.

Matiu 'Matt' Ratana

Photo: East Grinstead RFC / YouTube screengrab

The New Zealand-born UK police officer was shot by a handcuffed man in Croydon Custody Centre, while he approached him to perform a Covid-19 temperature test.

Two arrests have since been made in relation to his death. Mr Ratana was from the Hawke's Bay and worked for Auckland Police for five years before moving to England.

Te Aniwa Hurihanganui spoke with his cousin, Adrian Rurawhe.