E whai ana a te taura whiri i te reo Maori kia kotahi miriona tangata e korero ana, e waiata ana, e whakanui ana hoki i te reo - i te wa kotahi, i tetahi wa tuku reo Maori kaore ano kia kite - i te wiki o te reo Maori.
E tohu ana tēnei i te rā me te hāora i tāpaetia ai e tētahi ranga toa o te reo Māori tētahi petihana i te tau tahi mano, iwa rau, whetu tekau ma rua, i ngā kaupae o te whare pāremata, e whakahau ana kia whakaakona te reo ki ō tātou kura.
Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki te hunga nāna te reo i whakatairanga i te wā kāore tērā mahi i paingia e te hapori, e te ao tōrangapū anō hoki.
More than 1.1 million people have gathered around the country at Midday today to embrace te reo Māori in some way for Maori language week.
Workplaces, schools and communities signed up to Te Wā Tuku Reo Maori - the Maori language moment - set up by the Māori Language Commission last year exceeding their goal of a million registrations - this years moment has again exceeded that number and is dedicated to those in the Tamaki Makaurau lockdown.
Upper Hutt Primary school in Wellington - won the award last year for their stand out participation.
The Kaiako leading the charge for the kura is Shanice Tredrea and she talks to Māni Dunlop