20 Sep 2021

Hauraki Plains hapori turning out in droves to be tested

From Midday Report, 12:10 pm on 20 September 2021

The small rural communities around the Hauraki Plains are turning out in force to get tested for Covid-19, after three people in the Waikato hapori tested positive for the virus last night.

The three people – two of whom are schoolchildren – are household members of a remand prisoner at Mt Eden Prison, who tested positive at the weekend.

Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki is running a pop-up testing centre at Wharekawa Marae, just up the road from Kaiaua.

At least 250 people have already been tested, and the chief executive, Riana Manuel, told Māni Dunlop they expect many more to join the queue.