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Morning Report for Thursday 16 August 2012
Cheats never prosper, whether at Olympics or Scrabble
8:55 AM.They say that cheats never prosper, and it seems that's true of both the Olympics, and now the United States National Scrabble Championships. Audio
Australian lower house passes offshore processing law
8:52 AM.The Australian senate will today vote on a solution to the country's ongoing problems with asylum seekers. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 16 August 2012
8:48 AM.The Ngati Kahu leader, Margaret Mutu, says next month's remedies hearing by the Waitangi Tribunal will be an important first - and a test of the Tribunal's authority; Meanwhile, the Te Rarawa leader… Read more Audio
Capital's transport options whittled to light rail or bus
8:43 AM.Trams may yet return to Wellington's inner city. Light rail has been included in the short list of options to improve transport in the capital, along with two separate bus alternatives. Audio
Failures in safety admitted at skydiving company
8:38 AM.The co-owner of a skydiver aircraft that crashed killing all nine on board, has admitted failing to carry out safety procedures while operating aircraft for the skydive company. Audio
Sports News for 16 August 2012
8:35 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Markets Update for 16 August 2012
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Prince Philip in hospital
8:28 AM.The husband of the Queen, Prince Philip, has been taken to hospital in what's been described as a precautionary measure for a recurring bladder infection. Audio
HRW says it has evidence of missile attack on Syrian hospital
8:27 AM.Human Rights Watch says a Syrian fighter plane fired missiles at a hospital in a rebel-held area of Aleppo. Audio
Explosion near a hotel used by the UN in Syria
8:22 AM.Syrian authorities are reeling from the latest bomb attack in the centre of Damascus. Audio
Joyce advocates more exports, foreign investors
8:19 AM.Changes to be made to the resource management act. Audio
Opposition: exports could be at risk if environment undermined
8:16 AM.The Government says it will be a struggle to meet its goal of boosting exports and has again signalled it intends speeding up the approval process for mining applications and other business ventures. Audio
Residents don't accept police assurances on the Beast
8:08 AM.The Whanganui Council will hold an extraordinary meeting today, in a final effort to prevent the release of serial sex offender Stewart Murray Wilson into its area. Audio
Maori worry Waitangi Tribunal water report waste of time
7:56 AM.Some Maori in the Waiariki region say they fear the Waitangi Tribunal report into water rights may turn out to be a waste of time and money. Audio
China not in hurry to invest more overseas
7:53 AM.China-watchers say the New Zealand Government's call for more investment from the Asian powerhouse is not likely to be answered any time soon. Audio
Pacific leaders call meeting over fears about same-sex marriage
7:48 AM.Auckland's Pacific communities are to hold a public debate over the same-sex marriage bill to counter what organisers say are unfounded fears that it's an attack on traditional Pacific values. Audio
Sports News for 16 August 2012
7:45 AM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Government watching tobacco fight across the Tasman
7:41 AM.The Australian government's victory over 'big tobacco' is resonating on this side of the Tasman. Audio
UN massacre report says 'war crimes' committed in Syria
7:37 AM.A United Nations investigation into evidence of war crimes and human rights abuses in Syria has condemned what it calls the brutal activities of both government and opposition forces. Audio
Gerry Brownlee explains Transport Agency borrowing
7:26 AM.The government is defending its plan to allow the Transport Agency borrow large sums of money to pay for new roads. Audio
Bennett defends drug-testing of beneficiaries
7:22 AM.The Social Development Minister is defending the proposed drug-testing of beneficiaries, saying she has all the evidence she needs to justify it. Audio
Civil case to be lodged against May Wang
7:18 AM.The Land Information Minister is Maurice Williamson. Yesterday he revealed the Overseas Investment Office is taking civil proceedings against the bankrupt businesswoman May Wang, who was part of a… Read more Audio
Bill to stop sale of sensitive land to foreigners rejected
7:15 AM.Parliament last night voted against legislation that would have stopped foreigners buying sensitive land in New Zealand. Audio
Multiple errors contributed to baby's death
7:11 AM.A midwife who texted instead of talking to a woman who was having serious problems with her unborn baby has been criticised by the coroner. Audio
Mayor will try to prevent release of Wilson into area
7:08 AM.Whanganui's mayor says she will do all she can to prevent the serial rapist Stewart Murray Wilson being paroled in the city, and will chair a special council meeting today to decide on what action can… Read more Audio
Morning Business for 16 August 2012
6:47 AM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Bennett apology labelled meaningless
6:40 AM.An apology made by the Social Development minister to a beneficiary whose private information she made public, has been described by critics as meaningless and arrogant. Audio
Corrections say Whanganui concerns are understandable
6:37 AM.The Corrections Department says a meeting last night with Whanganui residents about the release of the serial sexual offender, Stewart Murray Wilson, was difficult. Audio
Manu Korihi News for 16 August 2012
6:27 AM.A Bay of Plenty iwi is urging the government to seriously consider the findings of a soon-to-be-released Waitangi Tribunal report on water because - otherwise it will be a waste of time and money; A… Read more Audio
Morning Rural News for 16 August 2012
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Pacific News for 16 August 2012
6:17 AM.The latest from the Pacific region. Audio
Significant drop in methamphetamine interceptions
6:13 AM.Latest figures show a significant drop in the amount of the illegal drug, methamphetamine, seized at the borders. Audio
Top Stories for Thursday 16 August 2012
6:00 AM.Mayor will do all she can to prevent release of Wilson into area, Multiple errors contributed to baby's death, Bill to stop sale of sensitive land to foreigners rejected, Civil case to be lodged… Read more Audio