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Morning Report for Monday 3 August 2015
Phil Kafcaloudes with news from Australia
8:56 AM.Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says that recently resigned speaker Bronwyn Bishop is a victim of the entitlement system; and not much coverage of the TPP in Australian press. Audio
Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter to remain open
8:52 AM.The aluminium smelter in Southland will now stay open. The smelter is a critical part of the Southland economy. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 3 August 2015
8:48 AM.A new report highlights agricultural opportunities for Maori in the Manawatu and Whanganui region; Fonterra has been fined over 170-thousand dollars for polluting the Rangitaiki River, which the… Read more Audio
Serious dog bites are on the rise
8:43 AM.Young children, Maori and Pacific Islanders and poor people are most at risk of being attacked by dogs, according to a new study. Nearly 100,000 dog bites were recorded in the past 10 years with an… Read more Audio
Peters defends comment about Corrections Minister's race
8:38 AM.New Zealand First wrapped up its annual conference with its leader Winston Peters once again courting controversy with comments about race. Audio
Judge says change needed to make protection orders effective
8:28 AM.Fourteen women, six men and ten children are killed by a member of their family every year on average, and now the Government is considering making family violence a stand-alone offence. The concept… Read more Audio
Canada holdout blamed for TPP's dairy impasse
8:26 AM.Since the talks collapsed, the Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has called general elections in October. That is expected to make significant climbdowns on Canada's dairy tariffs politically… Read more Audio
Dairy industry keen to get fast resolution to stalled TPP talks
8:22 AM.New Zealand is continuing to push Canada for access to its dairy market. Canada's reluctance to open its domestic market to dairy imports was one of the stumbling blocks that stalled the Trans-Pacific… Read more Audio
Parents call on NZ Govt to push Myanmar to release son
8:18 AM.The father of a New Zealander imprisoned in Myanmar for insulting religion by posting a picture of Buddha in headphones on Facebook says the Government is refusing to advocate on his behalf. Nearly… Read more Audio
'Treasure hunt spirit' on Reunion island after more debris found
8:14 AM.More metallic debris is being collected on the beaches of Reunion Island. One object discovered south of the city of St Denis was thought to have been part of a door, but Malaysia's Director General… Read more Audio
Update on fatal shooting in central Auckland
8:11 AM.A police press conference into the fatal shooting of a man at a central Auckland park has just finished with more details emerging about the circumstances that led to his death. The victim has been… Read more Audio
British TV personality and singer Cilla Black dies at 72
7:58 AM.The British singer and TV personality, Cilla Black, has died of natural causes at her home in Spain at the age of 72. Audio
Under fire Aust speaker resigns & sparks review of expenses
7:54 AM.The Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is promising a root and branch review of parliamentary entitlements after the embattled speaker Bronwyn Bishop resigned. The big-spending Ms Bishop has been… Read more Audio
More trouble at Maori boarding school Hato Petera
7:48 AM.There are fresh concerns about the future of Auckland's last remaining Maori boarding school, Hato Petera College on the north shore. In the past week the school has suffered a suspension followed by… Read more Audio
Anti-family violence advocates would back criminal charge for domestic abuse
7:44 AM.Anti-family violence advocates say they'd support a specific criminal charge for domestic abuse, but it's not a silver bullet. The Justice Minister, Amy Adams, will release a discussion document this… Read more Audio
Receiver investigating potential privacy breach
7:42 AM.The receiver for the defunct counselling service Relationships Aotearoa says he will investigate how a journalist was able to get access to thousands of clients' confidential files left in an… Read more Audio
Decision due on aluminium smelter
7:37 AM.New Zealand should know the future of Southland's aluminium smelter shortly. The company running the firm has long complained about the costs of doing business at the plant, chiefly the price it pays… Read more Audio
Mass doping allegations rock athletics
7:23 AM.Global athletics is in chaos after the leaking of thousands of blood tests. The information was leaked to Britain's Sunday Times and German broadcaster ARD. The news organisations showed the data to… Read more Audio
Economics correspondent Patrick O'Meara with the TPP fallout
7:19 AM.Trans-Pacific parternship talks between the 12 countries involved have broken down. Dairy, cars and intellectual property were the three main stumbling blocks. Audio
Tim Groser prepared to do TPP battle for NZ dairy industry
7:14 AM.Trade Minister Tim Groser has vowed to continue fighting for New Zealand's biggest export industry - dairy. Guyon Espiner asked Prime Miniser John Key if New Zealand could be forced to sign up to a… Read more Audio
Park under police guard after officers shot & killed a man
7:08 AM.A central Auckland park remains under police guard after officers shot and killed a man last night. Audio
Jim Parker in Australia
6:58 AM.Across the Tasman, and questions are being asked about Australia's new free trade agreement with China and its implications for workers. Audio
Economist calls for the Government to have a back-up plan
6:55 AM.A sharp fall in confidence in the construction sector has one economist reiterating his call for the Government to have a back-up plan in place in case the economy takes a turn for the worse. Audio
Labour market data expected to point to low wage inflation
6:53 AM.Some economists are picking robust jobs growth and weak pay rises once again when the latest figures on the historical state of the labour market are released. Audio
More change for business expected - Talley
6:51 AM.The head of one of New Zealand's largest food companies predicts more change for business over the next five years than it's seen in the past twenty five years. The joint managing director of the… Read more Audio
Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter's future
6:44 AM.Analysts are still convinced the owner of the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter will keep it open when the future of the plant is revealed. Audio
Opposition parties fear what NZ will give up for TPP
6:41 AM.Opposition parties are voicing fears about how far the Government is prepared to compromise in order to be part of a renegotiated Trans Pacific Partnership. Trade ministers from 12 Pacific Rim… Read more Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 3 August 2015
6:27 AM.Fonterra has been fined over $170,000 for polluting the Rangitāiki River, which the regional council says is a significant taonga for iwi; A new report highlights agricultural opportunities for Maori… Read more Audio
Wreckage prompts Reunion locals to comb island for plane debris
6:14 AM.Another piece of wreckage has washed up on the shores of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, prompting locals to comb the small island for signs of plane debris. One object discovered south of the city of St… Read more Audio
Groser says US and Japan likely to make TPP work
6:11 AM.The Minister of Trade, Tim Groser, says dairy was always going to be a sticking point for New Zealand in Trans Pacific Partnership talks. Trade ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries have failed to… Read more Audio
Top Stories for Monday 3 August 2015
6:00 AM.Tim Groser prepared to do TPP battle for NZ dairy industry; Economics correspondent Patrick O'Meara with the TPP fallout; Mass doping allegations rock athletics; 'Treasure hunt spirit' on Reunion… Read more Audio