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Morning Report for Tuesday 11 August 2015
Kiwi mountaineer documents North Korea
8:57 AM.A New Zealand mountaineer's ventured where few have before, capturing his experience in North Korea's mountains on a camera. Audio
CK Stead named as New Zealand's newest Poet Laureate
8:49 AM.That is one of the country's most celebrated scribes, CK Stead, New Zealand's latest Poet Laureate. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 11 August 2015
8:45 AM.The MP for Te Tai Tokerau Kelvin Davis is urging whanau to oppose moves to allow genetically-modified pine trees in the the north; A report out today on Maori obesity levels says there needs to be… Read more Audio
Akl Muslim school readies for all girl take on Othello
8:40 AM.An Auckland Muslim school is getting ready to put on its first ever production - an all-girl adaptation of Othello. Audio
New code of conduct being put in place
8:36 AM.A new code to educate and screen overseas drivers hiring rental cars in New Zealand could be in place as early as October. Audio
Markets Update for 11 August 2015
8:31 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
IPCC says developed countries must lead the way on emissions
8:27 AM.A top United Nations official says developed countries like New Zealand have a duty to do more to tackle greenhouse gas emissions than their counterparts in the developing world. Audio
Whittled down flag designs don't please everyone
8:21 AM.More than 10-thousand designs have been whittled down to just 40 in the hunt for New Zealand's next flag, but opinion remains just as split as ever. Audio
Equestrian Andrew Nicholson injured in England
8:17 AM.The New Zealand equestrian Andrew Nicholson is in hospital after taking a fall at the Festival of British Eventing at Gatcombe over the weekend. Audio
Civil liberties group wants better safeguards around spying
8:14 AM.And listening to that was lawyer and spokesman for the Council for Civil Liberties, Thomas Beagle. Audio
GCSB chief warns data collection not limited to spy agencies
8:11 AM.The acting director of the Government Communications Security Bureau, Una Jagose, says the public should be just as concerned about private sector collection of their data as they are about collection… Read more Audio
Monastery trustees go back to drawing boards
7:57 AM.The trustees of one of Wellington's most historic buildings are going back to the drawing board to try to prove that it is not really dangerous after all. Audio
Ngapuhi kaumatua say they want to be consulted with
7:52 AM.A new group from Northland says it wants to be the go-to group for all Iwi issues. Audio
More erosion is predicted for Gisborne
7:49 AM.The Gisborne District Council is concerned planned new forestry rules will undermine the years of work they've been doing to reduce erosion on the East Coast. Audio
Labour leader urges foreign investment in NZ's regions
7:42 AM.The Labour leader, Andrew Little, is calling for foreign investment in manufacturing in the regions to help support the economy. Audio
Another police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri
7:37 AM.In announcing the state of emergency "St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger said the recent acts of violence will not be tolerated in a community that has worked so tirelessly over the last year to… Read more Audio
Attacks on security forces in Turkey overnight
7:34 AM.A series of attacks in Turkey overnight has left at least six members of the security forces dead and more than ten injured. Audio
Ferns, stars, koru dominate 40 designs for new flag
7:25 AM.Ferns, stars and koru dominate the 40 designs battling to be New Zealand's new flag. Audio
Apology to David Wong-Tung
7:24 AM.On Tuesday, June the 16th, we broadcast a story (and subsequently published it on our website) about the contention of environmentalists in Northland that the Ministry for Primary Industries was… Read more Audio
Avalanche death of heli-skier near Queenstown
7:20 AM.Investigators are flying in to Queenstown this morning to begin looking in to the avalanche death of a heli-skier. Audio
Greater openness prompting people to avoid being snooped on
7:11 AM.The Security Intelligence Service has warned greater openness about its activities has prompted people it is monitoring to change the way they communicate to avoid being snooped on. Audio
Labour calls for inquiry on government's 'deception'
7:11 AM.The Labour Party has asked the Auditor General and Treasury to investigate whether they've been misled over the Saudi sheep farm scandal. Audio
Morning markets for 11 August 2015
6:58 AM.US stocks have risen after news of a purchase by Warren Buffett's investment firm, Berkshire Hathaway. Audio
Investors upbeat after Fonterra news
6:56 AM.Investors have been buoyed by the prospects of a higher dividend from the country's biggest dairy company. Audio
Kathmandu's appraisal gets mixed reviews: share price falls
6:53 AM.An appraisal of Kathmandu Holdings' value is getting mixed reviews by analysts, while the share price has failed to spark. Audio
Better ways to resolve disputes in retirement villages
6:51 AM.Meanwhile, the Retirement Commissioner and the Commission for Financial Capability have set up a forum to come up with better ways to resolve disputes in retirement villages. Audio
Institute of Directors sees impatience with lack of diversity
6:51 AM.The Institute of Directors says the lack of diversity on New Zealand's boards is a turnoff for investors and having a negative impact on bottom line profits. Audio
Analyst sees risk of an oversupply of Akl retirement units
6:47 AM.An analyst is warning there's a growing risk of an oversupply of retirement units in Auckland. Audio
Mountain Guide Association starting investigation
6:44 AM.The Mountain Guide Association is trying to work out if anything could have been done to prevent a skier's death yesterday. Audio
SIS says its law should change.
6:41 AM.The Security Intelligence Service director is suggesting the law governing the spy agency should be changed. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 11 August 2015
6:27 AM.A report out today on Maori obesity levels says there needs to be more government intervention to help Maori make better and healthier food choices; Submissions close today on a National Environment… Read more Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 11 August 2015
6:00 AM.The head of the SIS talks about the cost of being more open to the public. The Labour Party calls for a top level investigation into the Saudi sheep farm scandal. David Parker says the foreign… Read more Audio