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Morning Report for Tuesday 6 October 2015
Fonterra's chairman John Wilson on TPP deal
8:54 AM.Fonterra's chairman John Wilson says the TPP outcome for dairy is far from perfect but he appreciates the effort made by the trade minister Tim Groser and his negotiators and some progress in market… Read more Audio
One Plan shows signs of unravelling
8:51 AM.Farmers in the Manawatu Whanganui region are getting round tough new rules to cut down on dirty dairying. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 6 October 2015
8:48 AM.The country's largest iwi is leading the way in the fight against smoking according to a breakdown of census figures; The Minister for Maori Development is commending the work of rangatahi who… Read more Audio
Nauru refugee pledge still leaves hundreds in limbo
8:42 AM.Nauru is opening the doors to its detention centre and will allow more than six hundred asylum seekers to travel freely around the island. Audio
Paracetamol improves recovery in critically ill patients
8:38 AM.A New Zealand-led study published today has found paracetamol is safe for treating patients in intensive care, and may even help them recover and leave hospital more quickly. Audio
Markets Update for 6 October 2015
8:33 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Emphysema sufferers sing their way to better health
8:29 AM.A choir for Wellington people who have life-threatening emphysema is having a remarkable affect on their health. Audio
Immigration heads to Lebanon to select Syrian refugees
8:24 AM.A team from Immigration New Zealand heads to Lebanon this month to select 250 Syrian refugees to come to New Zealand next year. Audio
American airstrike on a hospital in Afghanistan
8:21 AM.The American airstrike on a hospital in Afghanistan which killed at least 22 people came after Afghan forces called for air support. Audio
More analysis on the TPP deal with our economics correspondent
8:15 AM.With us agin is our economics correspondent Patrick O'Meara. Audio
International trade policy expert on overnight TPP deal
8:10 AM.The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal has been reached in the early hours in Atlanta. Audio
Harvard bee study finds pesticides in NZ pollen
7:56 AM.A Harvard scientist says if New Zealand wants to find out what's killing bees - it should try banning the pesticides known as neo-nicotinoids - and see what happens. Audio
NZ motor industry open to discussing more rigorous testing
7:53 AM.The motor vehicle industry says it is open to discussing more rigorous testing of vehicle pollution in the wake of the Volkswagen emissions cheating scandal. Audio
Legislation likely to follow sweeping international tax rejig
7:48 AM.The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has proposed the biggest overhaul of international tax law in 60 years in an attempt to stop multinational companies avoiding paying their… Read more Audio
Labour's reaction to overnight TPP deal announcement
7:43 AM.Listening to that is Annette King -- the Labour Party's acting leader. Audio
Former US trade representative reacts to TPP announcement
7:38 AM.And as we've been reporting this morning the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal has been reached in the early hours in Atlanta. Audio
Stewart Island could become world's biggest sanctuary
7:34 AM.An ambitious one hundred million dollar plan to make Stewart Island into the world's biggest wildlife sanctuary is being proposed to residents this week. Audio
Hamilton's housing market facing a "drastic shortage"
7:27 AM.A Hamilton real estate agent says Auckland investors are fuelling a surge in house prices in the city. Audio
Big names will be witnesses at Chris Cairns' perjury trial
7:23 AM.Some big names of the cricketing world, including three Black Caps captains, are among those on a lengthy witness list revealed on the first day of Chris Cairns' perjury trial in London. Audio
Some key facts about the TPP deal
7:21 AM.The deal once ratified by the twelve countries will be phased in with some parts not coming into full effect for as long as 25 years. Audio
Special trade envoy says TPP dairy deal was always going to be tough
7:17 AM.New Zealand's special agricultural trade envoy Mike Petersen returned from Atlanta early this week, but has been kept up to date on the latest developments. Audio
Trans-Pacific trade deal reached overnight in Atlanta
7:10 AM.A Trans-Pacific Partnership deal has been reached in Atlanta. Audio
Morning markets for 6 October 2015
6:58 AM.Wall Street is up over 1 percent on expectations that interest rates in the United States aren't likely to rise soon. Audio
Business profile - Men At Work banks on growth
6:54 AM.That's Australian group of the 1980s Men At Work with their hit Downunder .. and it's now a name of an expanding business. Audio
More property investors are beginning to diversify investments
6:53 AM.A boutique fund manager says an increasing number of local investors are cashing up and taking profits on property and switching into other assets to spread their risk. Audio
OECD unveils major global tax shake-up plan
6:49 AM.The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the OECD, is proposing what's being called the most significant changes to the global tax system in more than half a century, with the aim of… Read more Audio
TPP negotiations end, A deal is reached
6:39 AM.A Trans-Pacific Partnership deal has been reached. It was announced early this morning in Atlanta, Thomson Reuters' trade correspondent Krista Hughes is there. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 6 October 2015
6:23 AM.The developers of a major marina expansion in the Bay of Islands have promised tangata whenua they'll protect and enhance the marine environment; Ngapuhi has recorded the biggest drop in smokers in a… Read more Audio
Trans-Pacific Partnership signed in Atlanta
6:09 AM.The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal has been reached in the early hours of this morning in Atlanta. Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 6 October 2015
6:00 AM.A TransPacific Partnership has been reached. The Chris Cairns prejury trial begins in London and house prices in Hamilton surge as investors look for bargains outside Auckland. Audio