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Morning Report for Tuesday 15 March 2016
TVNZ's 'special treatment' question widely criticised
8:53 AM.Television New Zealand says it has no intention of removing a question asking whether Maori should receive special treatment from its online Kiwi Meter survey. Audio
Iranian Foreign Minister visits NZ,
8:50 AM.The Iranian Foreign Minister has defended his country's human rights record, as his country and New Zealand work towards closer trade links. Audio
February records spike in global temperatures
8:43 AM.The month of February has smashed all previous global temperature records. Audio
New report estimates cost of illegal tuna fishing
8:39 AM.A major report on illegal and unreported tuna fishing in the Pacific will be made public today. Audio
Coca-Cola funding under scrutiny
8:29 AM.An American professor of global nutrition says Coca-Cola's support of prominent health researchers is reminiscent of tactics used by the tobacco industry Audio
Black Caps face reality of life without Brendon McCullum
8:24 AM.Life without Brendon McCullum begins officially tomorrow for the Black Caps, when their Twenty20 cricket world cup campaign begins in India. Audio
Rebels MC say Australia's kiwi bikie cull unfair to families
8:20 AM.Australia's cull of New Zealanders it considers undesirable has spread from those jailed for crimes to bikies and other gang members. Audio
Russia's president orders troops to quit Syria
8:17 AM.The Russian president Vladimir Putin has announced that he has ordered his forces to begin withdrawing from Syria, saying they have achieved their goals in the country. Audio
Building industry calling for compulsory certification
8:10 AM.Major building industry bodies have launched their own inquiry into the quality of imported building supplies. Audio
NZ new fiver named as a finalist for banknote of the year
7:55 AM.The new five dollar note has been in the tills for only a few months and already it's among the world's best. Audio
Proposed changes to the RMA go too far
7:51 AM.The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment says proposed changes to the Resource Management Act go too far. Audio
Maori MPs call for apology on 'racist' Kiwi Meter survey
7:47 AM.Maori MPs are calling for the state broadcaster TVNZ to apologise and retract questions they say are racist from a Kiwi Meter survey which seeks to find out how Kiwi we all are. Audio
Man who killed another in road rage wins bid to stay
7:44 AM.A man who killed a 78-year-old grandfather in a road-rage attack has won his bid to stay in the country. Audio
Little says banks toe line over dairy debt
7:38 AM.The Labour Leader Andrew Little wants commercial banks "stiff armed" or prevented from forcing struggling and heavily indebted dairy farmers off their land. Audio
Dietitians NZ unlikey to accept more money from Coca-Cola
7:35 AM.Dietitians New Zealand says it's highly unlikely to accept money from Coca-Cola again after figures showed the multinational gave it more than 7-thousand-dollars over five years. Audio
Auckland Airport changes taxi tender process
7:27 AM.Auckland airport taxis and complaints have gone hand in hand for years. Audio
South Auckland dairy owners losing faith in police
7:21 AM.Calum Penrose is the Papakura ward councillor on the Auckland Council. Audio
Papakura dairy owners fed up with police
7:18 AM.Dairies in a south Auckland suburb say they've stopped reporting robberies to police in recent months because nothing is being done and nobody's being held accountable. Audio
Building industry to launch probe into dodgy building supplies
7:11 AM.Major building industry bodies are looking into product quality after fielding a flood of calls from worried members about a wide range of untested imports. Audio
Business briefs
6:58 AM.Industriual property developer Argosy has bought a site in a North Shore Business Park in Auckland for $8.1 million .. It says it will spend another $14.2 million to develop the site for a tenant at… Read more Audio
Morning markets for 15 March 2016
6:57 AM.American stocks are little changed, investors choosing to be cautious ahead of the Federal Reserve meeting. Audio
Small company directors expected to struggle with new rules
6:55 AM.The Institute of Directors is concerned how about how well directors of small companies will cope with the implementation of new health and safety regulations that come into force next month. Audio
Tech savy companies making mark on established financial firms
6:53 AM.The accounting firm, PWC, says established banks and insurance companies have an element of fear about new tech-driven competitors -- but are willing to join forces to bring them up to speed. Audio
RBNZ hammers expectations message
6:50 AM.The Reserve Bank is reiterating that it will cut rates further if consumers and businesses keep thinking low inflation is here to stay. Audio
Perth family sues over NZers disappearance after MH370 crash
6:43 AM.The family of Paul Weeks, one of the New Zealand victims in the MH370 crash, are claiming mental harm and sudden shock in the lawsuit they've just filed against Malaysia Airlines. Audio
Israel says countries looking to trade with Iran should be wary
6:41 AM.Israel's ambassador to New Zealand says any country looking to develop a closer trading relationship with Iran should be wary, given its past actions. Audio
UN reviews NZ's Human Rights record
6:15 AM.New Zealand's human rights record is being scrutinised by the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva. Audio
Aid agencies struggle to deliver food supplies
6:09 AM.New peace talks aimed at halting the fighting in Syria have begun in Geneva overnight. Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 15 March 2016
6:00 AM.It was dodgy plumbing products yesterday - today the quality of more imported building supplies are questioned. Dairies in South Auckland say they are giving up calling police for help and Little says… Read more Audio