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Morning Report for Wednesday 22 March 2017
Deputy PM holds Defence line over Hager book claims
7:40 AM.Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett she takes the word of the New Zealand Defence Force that the SAS were not involved in alleged killings of Afghan civilians as claimed in Nicky Hager and Jon… Read more Audio
Police Minister talks about Kaikohe crime spree
7:38 AM.Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett says police are increasing their presence in Kaikohe. Audio
Top Stories for Wednesday 22 March 2017
6:00 AM.New book claims Govt, NZDF covered up civilian casualties, US bans large electronic devices on plane from 8 Muslim countries, and Police Minister talks about Kaikohe crime spree; police presence Audio
Early Business News for 22 March 2017
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Morning Rural News for 22 March 2017
6:22 AM.News from the rural and farming sector. Audio
Book says SAS's 2010 Afghanistan raid botched, covered up
6:40 AM.Both the Government and Defence Force are rejecting new claims that New Zealand's elite soldiers led a revenge raid in Afghanistan in 2010 in which six civilians were killed. Audio
Pressure builds on President Trump after FBI investigation
6:46 AM.Brent Budowsky from The Hill tells us there's unanimous agreement from Republicans and Democrats for Donald Trump to back down from claims Barack Obama wiretapped him. Audio
Business News for 22 March 2017
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
New book claims Govt, NZDF covered up civilian casualties
7:11 AM.Journalist Nicky Hager says it is beyond belief government officials deny New Zealand SAS troops were involved in civilian deaths during a botched raid in Afghanistan in 2010 Audio
RNZ political editor looks at potential SAS fallout
7:25 AM.RNZ political editor Jane Patterson looks at the possible political fallout from the new allegations of an SAS coverup. Audio
US bans large electronic devices on plane from 8 countries
7:30 AM.The United States and Britain are banning passengers from carrying laptops and most other electronic devices on flights from 10 Middle East airports. Audio
Police Minister talks about Kaikohe crime spree
7:38 AM.Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett says police are increasing their presence in Kaikohe, and also says she has heard nothing yet to make her doubt the SAS acted properly in Afghanistan Audio
Police in Kaikohe increasing presence, cracking down on crime
7:50 AM.Police in Kaikohe are increasing their presence in the Northland town over the next few weekends and one group which couldn't be happier is Kaikohe's Community Watch, following recent crime sprees in… Read more Audio
Protesters turn up at petroleum conference in New Plymouth
7:50 AM.Protestors have turned up enmass at the New Zealand petroleum conference in New Plymouth this morning. Our reporter Robin Martin is there. Audio
CYF wrongly accuses man of being a sex offender over 15 years
7:54 AM.Child Youth and Family faces having to make a payout to a man it wrongly accused for 15 years of being a sex offender. The wrong information was repeated over and over in reports to the Family Court… Read more Audio
Ak Indian biz leader wants dairy owners to keep firearms
7:57 AM.As yet another South Auckland dairy is robbed and thousands of dollars of cigarettes stolen, an association representing hundreds of Indian business owners is urging them to consider storing their own… Read more Audio
Blanket denial made about claims SAS soldiers killed civilians
8:11 AM.Journalist Jon Stephenson says SAS soldiers involved in a botched raid in Afghanistan have told him and fellow writer Nicky Hager that lies were told to cover up the fact civilians were killed. Audio
War crimes specialist says NZ could face problems
8:20 AM.War crimes specialist Alison Cole says Hit and Run contains enough information for International Criminal Court prosecutors to begin an investigation. Audio
Confidential talks over Westgate costs start today
8:25 AM.There's tensions on the massive Westgate development site as Auckland Council negotiates behind closed doors on what payments may have to be made by the developer. It comes after the council lost… Read more Audio
National MP refuses to be interviewed by police
8:26 AM.A National MP is insisting he co-operated with police despite refusing to be interviewed by officers who were investigating accusations he had secretly recorded his staff. Audio
Markets Update for 22 March 2017
8:29 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Trump's opponent says president lacks credibility
8:45 AM.One of Donald Trump's opponents in last year's election says the president will struggle to lead while his credibility crumbles. Evan McMullin says the ramifications of the FBI investigation are… Read more Audio
Whitby residents call for relocation of respite home
8:51 AM.A Wellington respite home for mentally ill people is under pressure to move because locals say it's putting children at risk. Audio
Auckland art school offers disadvantaged kids a future
8:54 AM.A West Auckland arts school is offering hope - and new skills - to teenagers who've had it tough at home and at school. Mihingarangi Forbes visited Kakano Youth Arts Collectiveand found out the… Read more Audio