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Morning Report for Thursday 17 May 2018
Couple told to quit night class or have benefits cut
6:40 AM.A 55-year-old unemployed man has been told that he and his partner won't be able to access full benefits unless he quits his free night class. Both the man and his partner, who are parents to an 8… Read more Audio
Top Stories for Thursday 17 May 2018
6:00 AM.Health, education and housing - the big issues Grant Robertson will tackle today, bureaucrats step in to stop an unemployed man studying at night classes,The US says it remains confident of a summit… Read more Audio
Sports News for 17 May 2018
6:06 AM.New Zealand's world No.10 Paul Coll secured a quarter-final berth for the first time in his career at the British Squash Open after defeating Egypt's former World No.1 Karim Abdel Gawad in a tough… Read more Audio
Immigrant sex workers in NZ at risk - criminologist
6:13 AM.Immigration authorities say finding foreigners working illegally in the sex industry is almost impossible because they have to catch them in the act. But New Zealand prostitutes, who have been able to… Read more Audio
'Buy now, pay later' may harm shoppers - study
6:19 AM.A new study looking at buy-now pay-later payment models has found most consumers don't understand the agreement they've signed up to. Shoppers can buy goods that cost as little as $5 and pay them off… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 17 May 2018
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Morning Rural News for 17 May 2018
6:22 AM.The National Party is accusing two Government ministers of caving in to pressure from officials when axing funding for a rural suicide prevention programme.
Business News for 17 May 2018
6:50 AM.What's your insurance agent being paid? A2 Milk's share price crumbles. These stories and the latest in the money markets with RNZ business editor Gyles Beckford. Audio
Sports News for 17 May 2018
7:06 AM.The New Zealand squash player Paul Coll says he's determined to make more personal history at the British Open after reaching one milestone. Coll beat Egypt's World No.7 Karim Abdel Gawad in a tough… Read more Audio
Budget 2018: What can we expect?
7:10 AM.Thursday is Budget Day, and Finance Minister Grant Robertson will deliver the first Labour Budget in nearly a decade. Health, education and housing will feature large but the government has made… Read more Audio
Man told to quit business class or have benefit cut
7:17 AM.An unemployed man with depression has been told to quit his free night class, or he and his partner won't be able to access full benefits. Both the man and his partner, who are parents to an… Read more Audio
Trump still hopeful North Korea summit will go ahead
7:26 AM.The White House is still hopeful their summit with North Korea will go ahead, despite an angry statement released by the North that threatened to cancel the highly-anticipated meeting. The statement… Read more Audio
Catching illegal sex workers 'difficult' - Immigration NZ
7:38 AM.Immigration authorities say finding foreigners working illegally in the sex industry is being limited by how hard it is to catch them in the act. New Zealanders have been able to work as prostitutes… Read more Audio
Insurers respond to report that incentives bad for clients
7:42 AM.The Financial Markets Authority says insurance companies are offering their agents incentives that could leave clients worse off. In a report it says nine life and health insurance companies spent $34… Read more Audio
Unpaid work: Employers could face legal action
7:45 AM.Companies who continue to require employees to work for no pay could face legal action. Complaints have been flowing in from businesses and public organisations across New Zealand, with tens of… Read more Audio
Backpackerboard takes down low-pay job ads
7:48 AM.Yesterday we reported on a website,, which has been is advertising jobs for backpackers and temporary visitors at below the minimum wage. We received this statement from them… Read more Audio
Chief Censor warns parents over '13 Reasons Why'
7:53 AM.The Chief Censor is warning parents about a new season of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. Season two will be released in New Zealand on Friday night. The programme is aimed at teenagers, and… Read more Audio
'He had command' - Melanie Reid remembers Hopeful Christian
7:54 AM.The death of the founder of the Gloriavale sect, Hopeful Christian, is focussing attention on who will emerge as the new leader. The convicted sex offender, also known as Neville Cooper, died this… Read more Audio
Sports News for 17 May 2018
8:06 AM.New Zealand's Commonwealth Games squash champion Joelle King says she hopes to emulate compatriot Paul Coll's feats by reaching the quarter-finals at the British Open in Hull. Coll beat Egypt's World… Read more Audio
'Anything but boring' - Budget 2018 hopes, expectations
8:10 AM.Will the first Budget from the new government offer any surprises? We'll have full coverage this afternoon and extensive analysis tomorrow, including a panel discussion with commentators Bernard… Read more Audio
How do you prepare for a major earthquake?
8:16 AM.The massive Alpine Fault is due for another big earthquake and scientists have been drawing up a scenario of what the devastation would look like. They are part of Project AF8, a South Island-wide… Read more Audio
Row over water contamination in US has NZ implications
8:23 AM.A furor has erupted in the US over the Trump administration heading off a water contamination study that has implications for New Zealand. The study concludes firefighting foam chemicals pose a danger… Read more Audio
'Buy now, pay later' fans warned about finance fishhooks
8:26 AM.Budget advisers are warning online shoppers of the potential risks of buy-now pay-later options that are becoming increasingly popular. About 3000New Zealand retailers now offer the service described… Read more Audio
Iwi interests, rights conflated by Crown - Charlie Tawhiao
8:29 AM.The Treaty of Waitangi negotiations minister Andrew Little has extended the deadline for groups wanting to contest the Pare Hauraki's Treaty Settlement. On Tuesday a hikoi calling for the Crown to… Read more Audio
Hastily-drafted farm debt bill passes first reading
8:40 AM.A hastily drafted Member's Bill to help farmers struggling with mounting debt has passed its first reading at Parliament, with unanimous support. It was a last-minute addition to the order paper, and… Read more Audio
'Time for a bloody Royal Commission' on MPI - farmer
8:44 AM.Farmers are increasingly critical of the Ministry for Primary Industries' handling of the Mycoplasma bovis outbreak as it spreads to more and more farms. Last week cases were confirmed in Oamaru… Read more Audio
Can Leon MacDonald save the Blues?
8:46 AM.Despite just three wins from eleven games this Super Rugby season the struggling Super Rugby franchise announced yesterday, the Blues remain commited to Tana Umaga. He will stay on as head coach until… Read more Audio
NZ's farmed deer boosted by venison, velvet prices
8:50 AM.Deer farmers around the country are building up their herds on the back of strong venison and velvet prices. Deer numbers had been falling for over a decade, but figures released this month show the… Read more Audio
Proposed fee for Hamilton Gardens dividing locals
8:55 AM.A plan to charge everyone but locals to enter Hamilton Gardens is not without its critics. The city council suggested the idea as a way to bring in cash for further garden developments. But many… Read more Audio