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Morning Report for Tuesday 27 August 2019
Top Stories for Tuesday 27 August 2019
6:00 AM.A public health academic says Philip Morris's lobbying in New Zealand fits with the company's international playbook, There's a sharp increase in the number of Maori committing suicide, and… Read more Audio
Sports News for 27 August 2019
6:06 AM.The Black Caps captain Kane Williamson says they were able to force the game in their favour - as they scored an impressive victory over Sri Lanka in the second cricket Test in Colombo. Audio
New special ed roles 'flawed' and 'unworkable' - union
6:10 AM.The Educational Institute is urging its members to call for a halt of the roll-out of 623 new special education jobs which it says are flawed, unworkable and inequitable. The union has asked… Read more Audio
Early Business News for 27 August 2019
6:20 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
DHBs warned not to accept vaping products from tobacco giant
6:40 AM.District health boards have been warned by the Health Ministry not to accept an offer from global tobacco giant Philip Morris to supply smokeless tobacco products to people trying to quit cigarettes… Read more Audio
Suicide prevention: Experts say more money and clear plan needed
6:43 AM.Mental health experts are telling the government that it has got to come up with more money and a clear plan to help bring down the country's suicide rate. Latest figures show the number of suicides… Read more Audio
Call for employers to reveal pay scales, close gender pay gap
6:47 AM.The Human Rights Commission is calling for employers to be made to reveal their pay scales so that staff can find out if they're earning what they should be. The commission hopes this will help close… Read more Audio
Pita Paraone: ‘He carried his own mana’ - Shane Jones
6:48 AM.New Zealand First minister Shane Jones has remembered Pita Paraone as a diplomatic and unflappable leader who did not seek frontline glory. Northland's Ngati Hine people are in mourning for the… Read more Audio
Business News for 27 August 2019
6:49 AM.News from the business sector, including a market report. Audio
Sports News for 27 August 2019
7:06 AM.The New Zealand cricketers overcame bad light to snatch a dramatic victory over Sri Lanka in the second and final Test in Colombo. Audio
Tobacco giant targets poor people to promote vaping products
7:10 AM.Tobacco giant Philip Morris has been trying to gain access to a major Auckland poverty group in a bid to promote its vaping and smokeless tobacco devices to poor people. The tobacco company has also… Read more Audio
Call to ‘equip ordinary people’ to help those at suicide risk
7:17 AM.The government will reveal details about a national suicide prevention strategy in the coming weeks. Official figures from the chief coroner's office out yesterday show the number of people dying by… Read more Audio
Trump signals he is open to meeting Iran’s president
7:23 AM.At the G7 summit US President Donald Trump has signalled that he is open to meeting Iran's President Hassan Rouhani. The host of the summit - French President Emmanuel Macron - says he is trying to… Read more Audio
Ardern adamant superannuation age will not go up to 67
7:27 AM.Everyone aged under 48 will have to wait two extra years for their government superannuation under National Party policy. National says it will raise the superannuation age from 65 to 67 from 2037, if… Read more Audio
Nurses union promises changes after report reveals weaknesses
7:36 AM.The nurses union is promising major changes after a highly critical review of its pay bargaining process last year. Nurses achieved a pay deal mid last year, after long and complex negotiations with… Read more Audio
South Auckland community ‘desperate’ for solution to violence
7:41 AM.Former youth workers who were put into South Auckland after increasing violence more than a decade ago say the same approach is needed now. There have been eight shootings - four of them fatal, three… Read more Audio
Union says new special ed positions not ‘hands on enough’
7:48 AM.The Educational Institute is urging its members to call for a halt to the roll-out of 623 new special education jobs which it says are flawed and unworkable. The union is asking primary and… Read more Audio
Tracey Martin: ‘I don't know how this has gone so awry’
7:50 AM.Associate education minister Tracey Martin speaks to Corin Dann about the new special education coordinator roles, which have been called 'flawed' and unworkable'. Read more Audio
Black Caps: Stunning comeback levels series
7:55 AM.New Zealand has pulled off an upset overnight, scoring an impressive victory over Sri Lanka in the second and final cricket test in Colombo. Constant stoppages for bad weather suggested a draw would… Read more Audio
Sports News for 27 August 2019
8:06 AM.The New Zealand cricket captain Kane Williamson has credited his batters for laying the foundation for their second Test win over Sri Lanka. Audio
Tobacco company's offer 'part of lobbying playbook'
8:10 AM.Tobacco giant Philip Morris approached a district health board offering to give devices away at no cost for "community-based trials, data collection and monitoring". The company claimed there would be… Read more Audio
Racism, inequality constant threats to wellbeing of Maori
8:17 AM.The number of people dying by suicide is the highest it has ever been and there's a sharp increase in the number of Maori in those statistics. In the year to June 169 people with Maori whakapapa died… Read more Audio
Age of eligibility for superannuation back in the spotlight
8:20 AM.Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters says the National Party is throwing older people under the bus by trying to change superannuation. The party wants to increase the age of entitlement from 65 to… Read more Audio
Foon faces turbulence in role as Race Relations Commissioner
8:25 AM.Former Gisborne mayor Meng Foon faces turbulence as he steps into his new role as Race Relations Commissioner. The Christchurch mosque attacks, Oranga Tamariki's treatment of Maori children, the… Read more Audio
Markets Update for 27 August 2019
8:30 AM.A brief update of movements in the financial sector. Audio
Mark Lundy makes a last ditch attempt to clear name
8:39 AM.Mark Lundy is making a last ditch attempt to overturn his convictions for murdering his wife and daughter 19 years ago. Lundy was convicted of the Palmerston North killings in 2002 - the convictions… Read more Audio
Human Rights Commission wants employers to reveal pay scales
8:43 AM.The Human Rights Commission is calling for employers to be made to reveal their pay scales so staff can find out if they're earning what they should be. It hopes this will help close the gender pay… Read more Audio
Grape grower concerned ‘GMO spin doctor’ given platform
8:46 AM.A leading organic grape grower wants New Zealand Winegrowers to cancel what he calls a pro-genetic modification speaker at its annual conference tomorrow. Futurity Food chief executive Jack Bobo is… Read more Audio
Trump denies suggesting firing nuclear weapons at hurricanes
8:52 AM.American president Donald Trump has reportedly suggested a novel way to stop hurricanes before they hit - firing nuclear weapons at them. US website Axios is reporting the president has asked multiple… Read more Audio
Playwrights and politicians pay tribute to Ray Henwood
8:56 AM.Performers, playwrights and politicians are paying tribute to the veteran character actor Ray Henwood, who has died aged 82. Mr Henwood moved to New Zealand from Wales nearly 50 years ago and became a… Read more Audio