The Labour list candidate Willie Jackson and political commentator and former Cabinet Minister, Sandra Lee join Morning Report for a discussion the pros and cons of the Maori-Mana party deal and the heated response to Andrew Little's interview yesterday.
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Maori political leaders responded explosively to Labour leader Andrew Little's comments on Morning Report yesterday that the Maori party is "not kaupapa Maori" - or based on Maori principles and values.
Mr Little said the Maori Party has conceded on every important issue affecting Maori during its last nine years in Government with National.
The stinging criticism came in response to the Maori Party's deal with Hone Harawira's Mana Movement aimed at unseating Labour from six Maori seats at this year's elections.
But the former Maori Party co-leader, Sir Pita Sharples hit right back.
" I'm totally insulted. You see it's that kind of using made up phrases like that to denigrate the authenticity of Maori that really does the damage in race relations. He should be ashamed of himself."
And Hone Harawira had this to say.
"I think what Maori really need is not to have white guys like Andrew Little telling us what to do [and] what our aspirations should be. Mana has always been, clearly, its own independent organisation."
The aspiring Labour MP Willie Jackson has responds to the criticism on Morning Report while the Former Mana Motuhake leader Sandra Lee says Maori need policies, not posturing.