The Prime Minister, Bill English, says the injuries suffered by a New Zealander in the terror attack in London underlines why the Government is committed to working in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said assistance was being provided to the family of Christchurch man Oliver Dowling, who was stabbed multiple times during Saturday's attack.
Mr English said the attack raises concerns among travellers.
"The official group here will look at the travel advisory as to whether they'd change the rating on of this morning that hasn't altered and I've spoken to people over the weekend, Kiwis considering going there, who would now regard it as a bit of a concern."
The Government was still considering a request to provide more support in Afghanistan, Mr English said.
The Prime Minister will meet the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Wellington today.
Mr English said he was not expecting to have an argument about the United States' policy on climate change, though he disagreed with it and the stance on the Trans Pacific Partnership.