30 Jun 2017

Govt digs in over Thiel citizenship call

From Morning Report, 7:10 am on 30 June 2017

The government is defending its decision to grant US billionaire Peter Thiel citizenship despite him having spent only 12 days in New Zealand.

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Photo: AFP

Prime Minister Bill English described the PayPal co-founder and Donald Trump supporter as an "assiduous investor" and said the focus on his length of stay was "a bit misleading".

"Exceptional circumstances are allowed for under the law.

"This is someone who's invested here - helped create at least one very successful business [in software firm Xero] and we're happy with it."

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters questioned the benefit to New Zealand of Mr Thiel's citizenship.

He told Morning Report if New Zealand wanted to attract investors it should set specific requirements they had to meet.

"You need to know the value of that money and what it has done for the creation of wealth, particularly exports and employment in New Zealand."