Top Stories for Tuesday 4 July 2017
Auckland Council's solution for the housing crisis has been running for four years but it still cannot say how many affordable homes have been built. Our reporter Sharon Brettkelly has been looking into this. The Building and Construction Minister, Nick Smith, says regulating Auckland house prices to ensure a percentage being built are affordable is very difficult to achieve. Rest homes are calling for support as a the Pay Equity deal goes in to effect. The Aged Care Association's chief executive, Simon Wallace, says some small homes could close. In the latest instalment of RNZ's election year series 'Is this the Brighter Future?' our Maori issues correspondent Mihingarangi Forbes explores the state of Maori mental health. Up to nine candidates from the One Pacific movement will stand for the Maori Party in general seats, mainly in Auckland. The President of the Maori Party, Tukoroirangi Morgan, says it will strengthen its shared political aspirations. Andrew Little dismisses claims from Maori Party president Tukoroirangi Morgan that the Labour party has a 'history of treachery against Maori'.