Top Stories for Thursday 10 August 2017
MPs from across the political spectrum were caught unaware by the shock resignation of Green co-leader Metiria Turei. RNZ political reporter Mei Heron reports. Conservationists were gathered at the Environmental Defence Society's annual conference on Wednesday when news of Metiria Turei's resignation was announced. The latest political polls show Labour has jumped to 33 percent, while the Greens have dropped to eight percent. UMR pollster Stephen Mills joins us to discuss the changes. After a drop in the polls for the Greens followed by co-leader Metiria Turei's resignation, co-leader James Shaw told Susie Ferguson the party will bounce back. RNZ political editor Jane Patterson discusses the latest turmoil in the Greens and in the polls. US residents in Guam say they are prepared for "any eventuality" under threat of nuclear attack from North Korea. Nestor Licanto from KUAM News joins us.