19 Mar 2018

Women's Refuge welcomes abusive man's re-sentencing

From Morning Report, 6:43 am on 19 March 2018

Women's Refuge is praising a High Court decision to punish an Otago man who assaulted his daughter, wife and best friend, but is appalled by the District Court judge who initally let him off. The 58-year-old man's now been sent back to the lower court for sentencing over the attacks which happened after he saw text messages between his wife and friend declaring their love for each other. At a District Court appearance in December Judge Brandts-Giesen said the man's actions were understandable and granted him a discharge without conviction. Late last week in the High Court Justice David Gendall said that was wrong, convicted him and ordered a re-sentencing in May. Women's Refuge chief executive Ang Jury spoke with RNZ Otago-Southland reporter Timothy Brown about the Justice Gendall's decision.