‘I feel unsafe here’- Surabaya church bomb survivor
Indonesia is bracing for more terror attacks, as it reels from a second suicide bombing in as many days. A family of five blew themselves up at a police checkpoint in the country's second largest city Surabaya yesterday. They injured 10 people, and the attackers' eight year old daughter also survived and has been taken to hospital. It comes after a family of six attacked three churches on Sunday. They split into three groups and rode motorbikes into church grounds, killing themselves and 12 other people. Citizens of Surabaya are being told to stay indoors and away from public places such as shops, schools and churches. Wijaya Suryaputra was in the Sancta Maria Catholic church for morning mass with his family on Sunday when one of the bombs went off. He told our producer Alex Perrottet that, at his church, only one churchgoer was killed - a man who heroically stopped the motorbike getting closer to the others.