US accuses Russian spies for chemical weapons watchdog hacking
Russian spies have been accused of involvement in a series of cyber-plots across the globe, leading the US to level charges against seven agents. The US justice department says targets included the global chemical weapons watchdog, anti-doping agencies and a US nuclear company. The charges come after Dutch authorities found Russian agents attempting to hack into the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons facility - which was investigating the Novichok poison used in the Skripal case. At a press conference in the Hague Dutch Defense Minister Ank Bijleveld-Schouten said four Russian operatives were expelled from the Netherlands the same day. The allegations are part of an organised push-back against alleged Russian cyber-attacks around the world. Dutch authorities say they disrupted an attempt by Russian intelligence agents to hack into the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in April. Our correspondent in Moscow is Lucy Taylor. She talks to Susie Ferguson.