Parties wouldn't need to fundraise in ideal world - Ardern
The ongoing Jami-Lee Ross saga has hit National where it hurts the most - in popularity among voters. Last night's One News Colmar Brunton poll showed National down two to 43 percent, and Labour up three to 45 percent - in the lead for the first time since last year's election. Simon Bridges' personal support was hardest hit with his rating down to single figures. The poll was carried out last week, when the news was being dominated by the fallout of Mr Ross' messy exit from the National Party caucus, during which he accused party leader Simon Bridges of breaking the law in the way he handled a donation from a Chinese businessman. The Green Party is now demanding stricter rules on donor anonymity and increased public funding of political parties. And the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says in an ideal world, parties wouldn't have to fundraise at all. However, she told reporters at her usual weekly media conference she's not sure that's what the public want.