HRV's fine for false claims 'could have been higher'
The Commerce Commission is pleased that water filter company HRV been fined $440,000 for lying to customers. HRV pleaded guilty to making false claims about the benefits of its water filters and for making misleading claims about the quality of New Zealand's home water supply. The Commerce Commission's Anna Rawlings says around 4,300 units were sold, for $2,795 each. She says while some water filtering tasks were done, in other ways the claims made by HRV were not supported by the evidence. Lawrence Yule was the Hastings Mayor during the 2016 outbreak of camplylobactor in the drinking water supply in Havelock North. The outbreak caused thousands to become sick and was linked to the deaths of three people. Mr Yule says water companies cashed in on the public's anxiety. Consumer New Zealand's head of research is Jessica Wilson. She tells Guyon Espiner the fine could have been higher.