13 Nov 2019

Mt Albert tree protesters 'shocked' by police visit

From Morning Report, 7:53 am on 13 November 2019

Police, Auckland city officials and security guards turned up at Ōwairaka - Mt Albert in the early hours of the morning, to talk to protesters trying to stop trees being felled.

They were joined by arborists who turned up early to see what they could chop down with hand tools.

Glenn Petterd, who was on the Maunga at the time, told Morning Report the group were surprised by a number of vehicles arriving and leaving around 4am on Wednesday.

"Then the next thing we knew there was a police constable walking up the road with five gentlemen in high-viz vests. Obviously you can imagine we were somewhat shocked by this activity."

While protesters say it was polite and non-confrontational, some of them are shaken by the visit in the middle of the night.

Mr Petterd said the group left after they were told the community had a meeting scheduled with the Tūpuna Maunga Authority on Thursday night.

In the mean time he's vowing protesters will stay on site to ensure the no trees are felled.