5 May 2020

Coronavirus: Trump says 100k could die in US

From Morning Report, 7:20 am on 5 May 2020

President Trump says as many as 100,000 Americans could die from Covid-19. In a virtual 'Town Hall' on Fox News, the President revised earlier statements where he said 60,000 lives would be lost.

Just under 70,000 people in the US have died so far from the virus - the most out of any country in the world.

Trump says he believes they'll have a vaccine sooner than many think.

In the televised event, the President also accused the Chinese government of covering up the extent and the severity of the coronavirus to the World Health Organisation.

The comments comes after the US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo claimed there is "enormous evidence" the coronavirus outbreak originated in a Chinese laboratory, but did not provide any of the alleged evidence.

Washington correspondent Simon Marks speaks to Kim Hill.