27 Jul 2020

Worksafe criticised over investigation into double child death

From Morning Report, 7:09 am on 27 July 2020

The family of two young boys killed when a truck driver rear-ended their car on the Desert Road in 2018 is heartbroken they had to battle so hard to get the workplace safety watchdog to investigate the crash.

That's despite the driver being found guilty of working excessive hours and falsifying his logbook. The boys parents are angry that when Worksafe finally investigated, their inquiry was extremely rushed and has let the trucking company off the hook.

Phil Pennington reports.

Worksafe in a statement says the late start to the investigation had no impact.

Its head of specialist interventions Simon Humphries, says four highly experienced investigators were supported by three senior, experienced supervisors, and he stands by 'the professionalism of the investigation and its outcome'.