27 Aug 2020

Covid-19: 'Loose ends' popping up in Auckland concerning - Wiles

From Morning Report, 7:22 am on 27 August 2020

Microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles says "loose ends" popping up around Auckland as it looks to exit Alert Level 3 are concerning.

"The more of these little sort of loose ends that we receive, the more concerned I am about moving out of Level 3 here in Auckland," she told Morning Report.

A new "mini cluster" of Covid-19 cases has been identified in Mount Roskill, but as yet, no epidemiological links have been made to the Auckland outbreak.

Five people associated with the Mt Roskill Evangelical Fellowship have tested positive in the last two to three days.

The Director General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, is urging anyone who attended a wedding on the 7 August and services there on 8, 9 and 11 August to get a test.

Wiles said it's important transmission is under control before the Alert Level in the city can be dropped.

"We all want to be out of restrictions as soon as possible, but if there is transmission still happening, and we move to Level 2 then at Level 2 much more transmission can happen."