30 Sep 2020

Judith Collins won't back down over Hager comment

From Morning Report, 7:23 am on 30 September 2020

Judith Collins is standing by her comment Nicky Hager needs to meet his maker, saying she believes one day everyone will.

The National Party leader made the comment when speaking to a GreyPower crowd in Nelson.

Queried about Hager's books The Hollow Men and Dirty Politics, in which Collins features, the National leader did little to hide her contempt.

"He is a dreadful man and what he wrote about me was disgraceful," Collins said.

"He still needs to meet his maker."

She later clarified her comment to say Hager would one day have to answer for his decisions, as would everyone else.

"When we all die we will have to atone to our maker and that's what Christians believe, that's what I believe," she told Morning Report.

Collins pushed back when asked if the comment could have a chilling effect, due to the fact it was made by somebody who could be Prime Minister soon against a journalist.

"I actually think that's a hysterical reaction from the Hager lot."

And she won't be apologising.

"You've got to be kidding me. Under no circumstances. I stand by what I say."